Milo-Arne WilkinsonSelf-TalkThe Love for Self Self-talk is the act of talking to yourself either aloud or mentally. No matter good or bad, these are the messages...
Sandy WrightCould Wellbeing be the bottom-line in economic prosperity?In the workplace, noneconomic factors influence work satisfaction and profitability. It is therefore important that organizations, as...
Sandy WrightPERMA – Accomplishment and wellbeingNothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment. Thomas Carlyle Carlyle’s quote sums up the impact of accomplishment...
Sandy WrightPERMA – Meaning and its influence on WellbeingWhat do we mean when we use the word meaning in relation to Wellbeing? In the five pillar PERMA© model of Wellbeing, meaning is defined...
Milo-Arne WilkinsonThe next 24 hours of leadershipBeing totally used to working from home and having flexibility isn’t the new normal – we’ve moved to a world (albeit temporarily) where...
Sandy WrightWhy Well-Being is hard core, no fluff involvedIf you believe Well-Being is just fluffy sh*te, you haven’t been paying attention to decades of scientific evidence from psychology,...